Love, Joy, Peace...
Mark your family present for today's events
We are a church who believes in Prayer!
Prayer Request Card
Tell us about your prayer requests or any decisions you have made today.
About Us
We believe we are here to do three things well; first we want to Attract people from all walks of life, so that they too can know the love of Jesus. Second, we are a church that believes in Discipleship and being transformed into the likeness of Christ. We strive to do these two well, not to fill seats in our church, but to Commission believers back into a hurting world to spread Christ’s message of Hope & Redemption that is found in a personal relationship with Jesus!
- Pastor Corey Davis

Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see.

John Newton
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Come and see
Greater Reward
Join us every 3rd Sunday through September as we focus on when Jesus is here, HOPE IS HERE! Join us after service on these Celebration Sundays for a fellowship potluck luch!
Discipleship is a Journey of Grace with Jesus as our guide and companion. But, we do not have to travel alone. If you are interested in joining a Discipleship Group let us know.
Click here if you are interested in learning more about Discipleship at Dinuba Naz.
This is our weekly email update to our members and supporters.
Tithe & Offering
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse. Malachi 3:10
We give our tithe and offering as an act of worship. We recognize that God is the giver of all things. We acknowledge that by giving back a Tithe, of what He has given to us!
NYI - Youth and Young Adult Ministry
As a global community of faith, we are commissioned to take the Good News of life in Jesus Christ to people everywhere and to spread the message of scriptural holiness across the lands.
To learn more about what it means to be a Nazarene use this link.
Join us as we pray for God's PROTECTION, DIRECTION & REVELATION for Dinuba Nazarene Church and all her ministries.